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Passive Filters (Constant-K, Low, High and Band M-derived low & high)

Experimental Training Boards (ETB Series)
Passive Filters (Constant-K, Low, High and Band M-derived low & high)

Technical Specification

To study different types of passive filters and determine the different constants and cut-off frequency of the following passive filters :
01 Low-Pass constant-K filter.
02 High-Pass constant-K filter.
03 Band-Pass constant-K filter.
04 Low-Pass M-Derived filter. 
05 High-Pass M-Derived filter. 

Our Location

B-28, Fateh Singh Scheme,
Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302006

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Opening Hours

Mon-Fri (09.00-18.00)
Sat-Sun (Closed)